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Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Dr. Ran Zalk

  • The Electron Microscopy unit provides the expertise and resources for solving macromolecular structures. For structural determination, a high-end transmission electron microscope (FEI Tecnai F30 Polara), a direct detection camera (Gatan K2 Summit with Quantum GIF energy filter), and the computational support necessary for single particle analysis are available. Higher order structure determination is possible through tomographic reconstruction using the same setup. The unit also offers grid sample preparation expertise and equipment (Leica EM GP).

    The equipment and services of the Electron Microscopy Unit are available for use by NIBN members and BGU faculty, as well as researchers at other universities and in industry.

Main Services

Expertise and resources for solving macromolecular structures

Grid sample preparation expertise and equipment (Leica EM GP)

Single particle analysis for structural determination (Gatan K2 Summit with Quantum GIF energy filter)


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